At any rate, with this in mind, let us not forget the ugly
brother of transformation: the frog. We are drawn to the frog on a
fundamental level. Consider all the long-legged froggy idols that
exist in your world or in your memory. Perhaps you have a stuffed animal (or five), like we do. Maybe
you’ve got a green lawn buddy protecting your azalea bush, or a friendly mascot
smiling from a bumper sticker on the back of your beat up Subaru, or a set of salt
and pepper shakers given to you by your great aunt. Does your heart turn to mush when Kermit sings
“Rainbow Connection?” (That's rhetorical.) And I, for one, still believe Frogger was the best game ever invented.
Yes, the evidence is all around us: we love frogs. We love them even though they're pretty goofy-looking, sort of icky and maybe even a tad(pole) creepy—like little lost dinosaurs trapped in the modern world. Do frogs lick their eyes? I don’t know the answer to that, but things that lick their own eyes always weird me out a bit, in a good way. Furthermore, it’s amazing that frogs are born of a gooey pile of eyeball-like eggs, then grow into furiously swimming puppy dog tails with eyes, and eventually become these murky-dwelling yet majestic things that seem to know the very deepest secrets of life. Plus, they eat flies—and that’s cool, too.
Weeks back, the three of us, in our six well-worn Target
galoshes, waded through the shallow marshes and petite ponds of Maudslay in
search of frogs, lily pads and all reptilian remnants we could
uncover. We watched the victorious leaves of lily pads float atop unseen umbilical cord roots that secured them to land beneath the thick, green water.
But there were no frogs lounging there. The water bugs hopped on the glassy surface of the pond with hardly a ripple. But, there were no bubble gum pink tongues to lasso them mid-skip like some awesome scene from Animal Planet.
“What did the frog order at McDonald’s?” Henry asked me. I
knew the joke well because he’d told it many times since learning it at school
during their frog unit this past spring. “I don’t know. What did the frog order?”
Henry’s sweet yet mischievous grin spread across his face, ending in a dimple and giving the impression of an exclamation point, as he said, “French flies and a diet croak.”
Frogs are the bomb, alright, especially to a six-year-old
boy. Next time I promised we’d catch one. Between now and then, both Henry and
Sadie are entertaining themselves pretending to be green … hopping like frogs
on all fours and shouting “RIBBIT!” Yeah, that’ll be us. Sigh. And now you know why.
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